Creative // Sr. Copywriter // Strategist // UX Writer


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Posts tagged Hair Color
How Do I Remove Hair Color from My Skin, Countertops, Floors, and Clothes?


Getting hair dye on your countertops and floors isn’t something anyone does on purpose, but if you act quickly then it’s not a huge deal. Here are a couple of things that can help rub away those hair color splatters before they become stains. Take extra care with a specific finish on floors and countertops just so you’re not too rough and won’t risk rubbing away any of the gloss.

Baking soda and water.

Everyone should have a box of baking soda at home (it’s magical and versatile). To use baking soda for stain removal on granite, formica, or laminate, mix it with water. The ratio is usually a one to one, but simply add a little water at a time until you form a paste. This hard paste acts almost like a pumice exfoliator, which removes color without being too harsh on your finish. Layer the paste onto your stained area, allowing it to harden and soak up the hair dye. Once the baking soda becomes hard, you can then wipe it away from the surface with a damp cloth.

Our Stain Remover.

While our Stain Remover Wipes work wonders on your hairline, our product team put it to the test on countertops—it worked! Just tear open the package and rub the stained area in circular motions until it’s gone. Stain removal works best if it’s done quickly, but just in case you miss a spot that sits overnight, the solution should work just the same.

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How Much Hair Product Should I Use?


For the average person, we recommend a cough drop-to-Oreo-sized amount. Masks are a great weekly treatment which gradually reduce stress on strands when you’re out and about. While we recommend you apply your daily conditioners from mid-shaft to ends, your weekly hair mask should be applied from roots to ends. The thickness of your mask will help you decide whether the recommended Oreo or cough drop-sized portion is your go-to.

Is your mask super thick in texture? That’s likely because it has a common, richly-hydrating and thickening compound called BTMS in it. So, go light on your application and maybe use a bit of water to evenly saturate your hair, since this stuff is the real deal when it comes to long-lasting hydration (and may make your hair oily if overused). Is your mask on the creamier, lightweight side? That’s probably because it has a bit of water already included in its formula, so feel free to apply it generously all over.  

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Should I Cut or Color First?



Frequently lightening your hair can stress out your strands and lead to damage. Because of this, we recommend that you lighten first and trim away the unhealthy ends afterward. After processing, your stylist can decide how much hair needs to be taken off based on the condition of your ends. Our hair color can only take you up or down two levels from your current shade, which helps to avoid over-processing.


For shorter hairstyles like the trending pixie, or cuts that are six inches and under, it can be easier to dye your hair first. Removing length means there’s a lot less to work with; and while that can be a good thing for mid-length hairstyles, sectioning is challenging for super-short cuts. Applying your color before you cut makes it so much easier to section while coloring, and it prevents color overlapping from one section to another just below it.

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7 Tips to Take Your Best Hair Selfie


Type in the hashtag #Selfie on Instagram and see what comes up. We bet a lot of these photos are celebrity images, and they always look good. While it may look easy, every photo you’ll see probably took twenty or thirty shots to get the right one before posting. It takes practice and a little technique, but you’ve got this. You definitely do not need to be a professional photographer to create a gorgeous photo of yourself.

Now take a few hair selfies once you’ve found the best background and lighting. Try different angles and see what you create. Chances are, you’ll find a hair selfie you love. If you decide to create your Color Profile with us, you’ll get a chance to send your favorite to your eSalon colorist so they can create your custom hair color from scratch. Lights, camera, action!

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5 Tips for an Alternative Self-Care Sunday


Cleaning up your workspace or organizing your closet can help to clear your mind and make you feel more put together. Even if it’s just clearing out your car, we think setting things right can reset your internal balance. Our Graphic Designer, Lizz says, “For my self care, I don’t accept things into my apartment if the object doesn’t have a purpose. Owning less makes my life efficient and organized, which gives me more time to focus on my well-being.” Think about decluttering your desk or making space on the balcony for a small table and chairs, so you create a tranquil place that’s just for you. Maybe leave a few mood-boosting notes for yourself around the house to find later. Bonus tip: You can do a little clean up while you apply your hair color, so it’s like a two for one deal.

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