Creative // Sr. Copywriter // Strategist // UX Writer


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Posts tagged Curling Wands
Your No-Nonsense Guide to NuMe Curling Wands

Curling Wand Sizes

If you’ve ever seen Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, you may feel exactly like Alice listening to the caterpillar talk about mushrooms when someone mentions curling wand sizes to you. But at NuMe we’re here to help you understand the differences between the sizes of your curling wands and the types of curls you can achieve with each one. While there are women out there who find one particular size they love and stick to it, you might be someone who wants a little more variety. Believe us when we say there’s a lot you can do with a curling wand and all the sizes we make here. This graphic is your go-to curl chart and lives on the homepage of our website just in case you need it later.

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